[29 Aug 2020] Update: etlgr.me domain name is available as alias for all @etlgr.com addresses. Feel free to use it if you have issues using .com addresses.

IM Email Service

Website Notifications
Many CMSs support email notifications from scratch. If you want to receive messages from clients or any other notifications in directly in Telegram, you just need to put your Etlgr-email address in your CMS settings...
IP cameras - motion detection
Etlgr bot can be used as a notification tool for receiving emails from IP cameras that detect motion. The most of CCTV cameras have an ability to send notifications using emails only...
Trading alerts
Get a relatime notifications from your trading tools, such as https://www.tradingview.com/
CRM Notifications
When you communicate with customers using CRM, speed of reaction may be very important. Don’t miss your customers due to slow analysis of email-notifications which is generated by CRM system...
Notifications About Cataclysms
If you live in the area with risk of earthquake, tsunami, flood, storm, you need to immediately notification about cataclysms, but they may be transmitted only by email. Etlgr can help you receive this critical information right away...
Smart House
Like IP-cameras, Smart House can send email messages. Receive information about gas leak, runed water, and opened windows and doors in your house as quick as possible...